Thy Kingdom Come

We are fast approaching the season of prayer called "Thy Kingdom Come" (TKC) that falls between Ascension Day and Pentecost Sunday. It was started in 2016 by Archbishops Justin Welby and John Sentamu but has since become a global and inter-denominational annual event. The aims of TKC are to encourage prayer as individuals and churches, that people will deepen their relationships with God and pray for the people they know to come to know Christ. You can get involved in many different ways - as individuals by signing up to pledge to pray at and as churches - holding special events such as services, prayer rooms, prayer stations or prayer walking. Many churches join with others in the area during this time to hold prayer events. There is a directory of events on the Thy Kingdom Come website. When you pledge to pray you will be sent daily videos and encouragement during the 11 days.
At The The Vine we have a number of books on prayer that may help you to engage with this season and deepen your prayer life. Titles include books by Pete Greig (founder of the 24/7 prayer movement) including his newest book "How to Pray" (review coming next month). This is a simple yet profound guide to improving our daily prayer times. "A-Z of Prayer" by Matthew Porter is a practical guide to developing a meaningful prayer life, looking at 26 aspects of prayer. "Mountain Moving Prayer" by Debra Green focuses on praying through tough situations. "Pray Big" by Alistair Begg examines Paul's prayers in his letter to the Ephesians.
Feel free to drop into The Vine to browse our full range of titles on prayer.