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Fairtrade Fortnight 2020

The annual two-week event that promotes all things fairtrade known as Fairtrade Fortnight is nearly here. This year it runs from Monday 24th February till Sunday 1st March. The aim of the fortnight is to raise awareness of the need for fairtrade, promote what is available as fairtrade and also to campaign for a better deal for the producers of the food we enjoy in developing countries. Once again this year there is a special focus on cocoa and the people behind our chocolaty treats. This is such an important industry to focus on as farmers are still drastically underpaid and child labour is rife. Buying fairtrade chocolate and cocoa ensures that these two things do not happen.

In The Vine, during Fairtrade Fortnight, you can read the story of two cocoa farmers - Edith and Therese (while you sip your fairtrade coffee) - which are told through beautiful story packs that will be on our tables and hidden around the shop! In the packs are two free bookmarks for the first two people to read them.

The Fairtrade Foundation currently has a petition asking people to stand with farmers who are affected by climate change. Being part of a Fairtrade Cooperative means that farmers in developing countries have access to training and technology that helps them overcome climate issues and use sustainable farming methods. This is something that needs to be done by all food producers and the petition aims to make their voices heard at the climate sumit in November. You can access the petition via our facebook page and the Fairtrade Foundation website (under current campaigns). We will have petition postcards in The Vine to prompt you to sign online.


To mark Fairtrade Fortnight all our chocolate treats will be made with fairtrade ingredients - hot chocolate, chocolate cake, rocky road, millionaire's shortbread, Mars Bar cake and our in house chocolate pudding with chocolate sauce and custard! We'll also have a 20% off offer on all our Fairtrade chocolate bars - both Divine and Traidcraft. Then on Saturday 29th at 2.30pm we are holding a special Bake-off style fundraiser in aid of Traidcraft exchange - see our events page or facebook for more details. This is open to bakers and non-bakers as everyone gets to taste al the bakes and score them out of ten.

Feel free to use our contact page, email, phone or facebook for more information on this event. It proves to be a very tasty occassion!

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